Greetings from Unwound Games!
To start, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has shared, liked, talked about, and been excited about Echoes of the Plum Grove. We have been humbled and ecstatic about everyone’s initial thoughts to our little game.
We know there have been some burning questions about our development process as well as the game overall, so today we wanted to take some time to go through five of those. We hope to update this blog with more dev updates, news, and behind-the-scenes stuff soon!
Q: How did you come up with the idea for Echoes of the Plum Grove?
A: We have always been fans of games like Stardew Valley, Don’t Starve and games that involved revitalizing a community, town, or farm. We really liked the idea of a game that had both survival and cozy elements, which became the seed of Echoes of the Plum Grove. Then, we needed a style and time period that would match that theme.
Since survival before modern times was more difficult (but not as difficult compared to earlier times), we settled on the American colonial period. To bring in the cozy elements, we were inspired by the paper-like art style similar to Paper Mario. It fits the cozy vibe, is easy to create multiple assets quickly by one artist, and offers a bit of nostalgia.
Q: Out of all the games you could have made, why make a cozy game?
A: We want to make games that we like to play. There’s an escapism aspect of games that we are drawn to – both escaping the real world and also experiencing the simplicity of what it was like to live centuries ago. Cozy games also have a knack for creating stories through randomized events and characters and we wanted to create these similar types of structures.
Q: What’s it like working on an indie game?
A: It’s been interesting, that’s for sure! It’s completely different than working for a bigger corporation – we’ve both done that. One of the benefits that comes with working on an indie game is that we’re our own boss. We make what we want, whenever or wherever we want. Having that sort of creative freedom is incredibly rewarding.
However, there are some sacrifices we’ve made. Not only do we not have salaries coming in anymore, we also have to be very self-motivated. It can also be difficult to brainstorm since it’s just the two of us and we work in different fields. But even with some of those drawbacks, we wouldn’t have it any other way. We’re building a game we genuinely love and we can’t wait to share it with you all.
Q: What’s one feature that you think others will love about Echoes of the Plum Grove?
A: Farming. It’s not just a way to make money. You have to farm to survive, raise a family, and to be part of the community. It’s one feature we feel has been missing from a lot of games in this genre – we actually draw inspiration from Oregon Trail where preparing was the most important part of surviving the trek!
Q: When can I play the game?
A: We love to hear your excitement for the game! Our focus right now is making the game as expansive and polished as possible before its release. As soon as we have more news or updates to share, we'll be sure to make a big announcement.
And, you can always follow us on social media to get more information and stay up to date on our progress!
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